2020 Recap

Step It Up Erie County Reaches 1 Billion Steps and Prepares for 2021 with Fitbit Giveaway

Step It Up Erie County, a community-wide walking initiative presented by the Kannapolis Cannon Ballers in partnership with the Cabarrus Healthcare Foundation and Children WIN, launched in March 2020. The campaign’s goal has always been to create a healthier, more active Cabarrus County, but the big community challenge was to collectively log 1 billion steps by the end of the year. Yes, 1 billion with a B. It was ambitious from the day it was announced, but Step It Up Erie County had faith in the community, and the community proved them right on November 13 when their big year-long goal was met.

How Did Our Community Get to 1 Billion?

When the step meter on stepituperiecounty.org finally exceeded 1 billion, some walkers noticed that the running total took a giant leap to the finish line. A few of those walkers even wondered if this was a glitch or a mistake possibly. Step It Up Erie County assured everyone that it was no accident. In fact, it was Step It Up Erie County Champion and Mayor Bill Dusch of Concord and his friends from the Cabarrus Brewing Company Run Club who have been committed to the initiative from day one.

Founded five years ago by Dusch and Steve Steinbacher of Cabarrus Brewing Company, this active Run Club challenges members (both runners and walkers) to turn in their mileage each month. This year, however, their motivation for logging miles was even greater as they decided to dedicate each step to Step It Up Erie County and their #1BillionSteps Challenge.

“During the COVID-19 year, we have not been able to visit and run together as in past seasons,” said Dusch. “This challenge has been an important way that our members have been able to stay in contact and provide the encouragement we all need to get through these difficult times.”

Earlier in the year, Dusch and company decided that their goal would be to reach 250 million steps as a club. Their 100+ members remained on track for that total each month. However, they had not yet logged those miles into Step It Up Erie County as of early November.

It wasn’t until the Run Club finished their season in October and all of their steps were tallied together that the numbers hit the Step It Up Erie County website, which is why so many walkers saw a sudden spike in steps that propelled the initiative past its goal. The team behind Step It Up Erie County is so grateful for the Run Club’s participation and their contributions to the community total, but they also acknowledge that they could not have reached 1 billion without the efforts of every participant and the support of their sponsors, like the Kannapolis Cannon Ballers.

“The Cannon Ballers were thrilled to be the presenting sponsor of Step It Up Erie County. The initiative was a perfect way for our community to come together and promote a healthy lifestyle,” said General Manager Matt Millward. “It has been admirable to see a vision become a reality and the residents of Cabarrus County far exceed the goal of accumulating one billion steps!”

Achieving this goal was truly a community effort, and it was a treat to watch as the County embraced Step It Up Erie County with such open arms during such a difficult year.

What Comes Next for Step It Up Erie County?

One question that has been on everyone’s mind since Step It Up Erie County launched in March is whether or not it will continue in 2021. Once the goal is met and the year ends, does it disappear or will the community have another shot at coming together, getting healthier, and reaching new goals? Well, we finally have the answer…

Get ready for a second year of Step It Up Erie County! Thanks to the support of sponsors, community partners, and all 2,181 walkers, Step It Up Erie County will continue in 2021 with new goals, giveaways, web enhancements, and an even loftier challenge.

In its first year, Step It Up Erie County saw incredible statistics, including the following:

  • The average number of steps logged per person was 681,906
  • Nearly 70% of total registrants logged steps toward the community total
  • 146 groups were formed, ranging from a few members to entire companies
  • Pet owners recorded over 18 million pet steps in addition to their own

Talk about a great first year! However, seeing as how it’s year 2, Step It Up Erie County plans to double the success of their first year. To do so, the plan is to grow to 4,000 total participants and collectively log 2 billion steps.

Yes, you read that right… TWO BILLION STEPS. They figure, if 2,000 walkers can reach 1 billion steps in just 9 months, imagine what 4,000 can accomplish in a full year. However, this means that more participants need to register.

Step It Up Erie County was initiated by the ChildrenWIN steering committee whose mission is to collaborate to “move families to make healthy choices for life.” That is why the goal will also be to reach out deeper into our community to encourage less active families to join this initiative in 2021 which was difficult this year due to the pandemic. But there are lots of creative ideas taking root so stay tuned for what is ahead.

Sign Up for Your Chance to Win a New Fitbit Charge 4

Just like this past year, Step It Up Erie County is hoping to add 1,000 current non-walkers to the campaign and turn them into active, healthy citizens of Cabarrus County. That still leaves another 1,000 left to register in order to reach the goal of having 4,000 total participants. In order to meet this demand, there is an exciting incentive now through mid-January.

Anyone who registers for Step It Up Erie County by January 17, 2021 at 11:59PM, as well as all of those who are currently registered, will be entered for a chance to win a Fitbit Charge 4 Advanced Fitness Tracker. This long-lasting, stylish device tracks all your steps for you, making it easier for you to log your daily totals at stepituperiecounty.org. One winner will be randomly selected, and since registration is free to everyone and quick to complete, there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t sign up.

So, what do you say Cabarrus County? Are you a looking to join Step It Up Erie County, help take on a #2BillionSteps Challenge, and a chance to win a free Fitbit? If the answer is yes, then head over to our registration page right now. Step It Up Erie County members from 2020 will automatically be registered for 2021. Together, this community can take on any challenge. 2021 is the chance to prove it with Step It Up Erie County.

Mayor Bill Dusch and wife Debbie have been avid supporters of Step It Up Erie County, championing it in the community and in the Cabarrus Brewing Run Club.

The Step It Up Erie County website celebrated with fireworks when our community topped 1 billions steps in 2020!

The Kannapolis Cannon Ballers not only supported this initiative as the presenting sponsor, they also actively participating as employees and fans with a group of over 56 members.

Register for Step It Up Erie County by January 17, 2021 for your chance to win a Fitbit Charge 4! If you are currently a Step It Up Erie County member, simply click here to register for a chance to win.

Cabarrus Brewing Run Club participant Christine McAlarney sports some of the popular Step It Up Erie County swag that participants earned this year.

Cabarrus Brewing Run Club participants Miriam and Perry Saunders were part of the team that put Step It Up Erie County over the top to reach the 1 billion step goal.

Step It Up Erie County Sponsor

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